Fluffy wet Lhasa Apso dog

A review of White Wash shampoo by Animology

Life as a puppy is very hard work. There are lots of new faces to meet, endless naps to be had, mountains of toys to be played with, gardens and beaches to explore… you get the idea. This tiring existence means there’s little time for anything else. After all, I’m a Lhasa Apso, and I decide what my very busy diary consists of. Or so I thought…

Slippery White Bowl

Cute wet lhasa apso puppyI remember it like it was yesterday! One minute I was getting wet and muddy in the garden. The next minute, there I was. Plonked into the centre of a giant white bowl with slippery glossy edges. At first, it felt cold against my little puppy paws. This was beyond the realms of what I considered acceptable. I’m a Lhasa Apso and I don’t take kindly to this sort of disturbance. Did I simply accept my fate? You can bet your life I didn’t!

Let Battle Commence

Lhasa Apso looking down in the bath

With all my might, I jumped up and put my paws on the edge of the giant white bowl. It was no use as I just slid right back down again. Do they want a battle? I’ll give them a battle! Just as I thought this crazy ritual was over, mum starts spraying warm water at me! I don’t know about you but so far I think this is a pretty unfair fight. With no weapons to retaliate with, I did what puppies do best… I wriggled and jumped about trying to avoid the jet of water.

Shake of Retaliation

Lhasa Apso dog getting sprayed with a showerOne of the first rules of puppy school is to always outwit humans. As soon as mum stopped spraying the water, within seconds there were drops of water all over the place and on her face. A good old shake does just the trick. Mum had another trick up her sleeve, didn’t she!

Attack of the foam

Lhasa Apso dog sitting in the bathThat’s when she took a bottle of liquid and put some into her hand. Moments later I was covered from head to paw in some bubbly white foam. She rinsed me with more water and then put some more foam on me. It was then time for one final rinse off before I had one last shake as revenge. This routine became known as bath time. All dogs know about it. It’s something we come to accept. As I’ve grown up I have been able to learn to tolerate bath time because I know it will make me feel fluffy and fresh.

Fluffin’ it up!

Lhasa Apso and white wash shampooOther humans that see me often comment on how fluffy my fur looks. They’ll also say that my fur is always looking clean, fresh and white. Mum puts this down to the special dog shampoo we use. After trying a few different products she found White Wash shampoo by Animology which is the only one that has managed to keep my fur looking and feeling so fresh.  Although it has a pleasant scent, I would personally prefer a stronger fragrance as I always like to smell my best! There are other products out there with a longer lasting fragrance but mum settled on the white wash because it keeps my fur the colour it’s supposed to be! You can always feel the difference afterwards and it really brings out my colour.

Time to dry off

Fluffy Lhasa Apso dog sittingAfter having to put up with the bath time itself, it’s then time to dry off. Mum wraps me in a nice cosy towel for a few minutes, before letting me break free to cause havoc drying off. After a quick blow dry (that’s another ordeal I can tell you!), it’s time for a brush down. That’s the bit I really don’t mind. I’m a Lhasa Apso, and I need to always look beautiful.

Poppy the Lhasa

I'm Poppy, a sassy little Lhasa Apso from England. I was born on Christmas Eve 2015. Everyone I meet says I've been to drama school! Follow my hectic little life, read my blog posts or check my social media for all my latest cute photos and videos.

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