Lhasa Apso with tails.com dog food parcel

Our review of Tails.com’s dog food

Is Tails.com's free dog food trial worth it? We put it to the test and here's what we found out. Read on to see how our fussy eater reacted to this bespoke food service.

We’ve reviewed the Tails.com free dog food trial which is a monthly dog food subscription service tailored to your dogs needs. If like ours, your dog is a particularly fussy eater,  it might be worth trying a tailor blended option which takes multiple factors into account.

What is Tails.com?

Tails.com is a provider of tailor-made bespoke dog food. They are now well-established online with a 5 star trustpilot score. The service they provide gives every dog their own unique, freshly blended food based on details that the owner provides.

They offer an initial free trial so you can test out the food with your dog before making any commitments.

How do they tailor the food to my dog?

When you register an account you will fill out a detailed consultation questionnaire. This is a straightforward process. You provide your dog’s age, weight, gender, flavour preferences, current food supplier and other additional information.

How will my dog cope with the change in taste?

The Tails.com team try to create a taste not too far from what your dog is already used to. If you know your dog likes a particular meat flavour then there’s an opportunity to make this clear.

Are allergies and intolerances taken into account?

You are able to disclose during the consultation whether your dog has any intolerances, allergies or other health complaints. Some dogs have difficulty digesting certain ingredients, such as soya, eggs, and dairy, so you can request that these are specifically left out.

You can select the hypoallergenic option and the system will automatically exclude the top 5 most common allergens to dogs, so all bases are covered.

What’s the service like?

Our dog is very a very fussy eater, which was the primary reason for us choosing this blend. She had been eating some food by Purina, but she would often turn her nose up at it. The initial questionnaire was very quick, easy and user-friendly. It gives you a sense that you are actually creating a unique meal.

How is the food delivered?

The box arrived and it had a lovely label with Poppy’s name on it as well as the perfect portion scoop. This is great because it takes away the headache of measuring out each time by weight.  It ends up being a bit of a guessing game otherwise.

We received dry kibble in a chicken and salmon blend. The delivery was prompt and packaged well. It arrived no more than 2 days after our questionnaire was completed.

What was the food like?

If you have a fussy dog you’ve probably thrown away bags of food before. They simply won’t touch the product. The first few days we began to introduce the tails food in with her existing food.

This was a mini victory as she did seem to be eating it. Although she seemed to be eating more of her old food than the new food at first. Poppy does like some wet food mixed in. After a few days of persistence, we were comfortable that the transition had gone well.

Although we can’t ask Poppy for her feedback, an empty bowl is always a good sign for us!

Will we keep using Tails?

I think we’re in a situation where we will never find the ‘perfect’ food for Poppy. She’s always going to be fussy unfortunately! Poppy is actually eating it regularly. The price quoted for us was £14 per month.

This is pretty good value for money and also convenient as you don’t worry about running out. If you do happen to run out of food early, you can just log in and adjust the delivery date. For that reason we did decide to continue with our subscription.

Can you cancel it easily?

A lot of people, me included, are put off by subscription services because you can get trapped in them. Luckily, this one is actually really easy to cancel.

If you do the trial and you find it wasn’t right for your dog, you can simply log in to your account and cancel your subscription. You can do this at any time before the first payment date. In fact, from your account, you can change the delivery date, delay or pause your subscription or cancel your account altogether.

How to sign up to the free trial

The free trial, which you can sign up to at Tails.com, costs £1 for the delivery and then you get your 14 days free food. Once you’re on the site, click on ‘claim your offer’ and a discount code will be populated to give you the free food.

We would like to disclose that we are not receiving any direct payment for writing this blog post. However, please note that if you click on the link to get a free trial of the product we are discussing, we may earn a small commission that helps us to fund the costs of our website. We want to emphasise that we only collaborate with dog brands that we have personal experience with and that we trust. Our main priority is to provide helpful and unbiased information to our readers.

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