Puppy and kitten

Tables Turned

It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining brightly although the air was crisp and quite cold.  I was sprawled out on the back seat of the red car as it sped through the countryside towards my sister’s house. This journey had become a regular part of my life in recent months and I always looked forward to going there. On this occasion, however, my keen Lhasa Apso senses detected a change in the routine. I don’t understand all human language but I do pick up words every now and then, especially my name.  This would not be worrying on its own but I could hear them talking about another name too. One that I had not heard before. Who is Jax?

Meet and greet

We had arrived and it wasn’t long before the mini humans were at the side of the car to greet us and take us indoors. I walked through the kitchen and then out into the garden. There were no surprises so far. Everything normal. I returned to the kitchen expecting to see my sister and my parents drinking tea and eating cake but they were nowhere to be seen. I strolled into the big room where the humans normally sit and talk but they were not there either. This was very strange.

Hallway encounter

I heard voices coming from the hall where I found mum and dad standing at the bottom of the stairs looking up. There was a gate at the bottom of the stairs but I was able to peer through to see what was going on.  Oh my! Sitting up there as bold as brass and staring straight back at me was a little black kitten. I started to growl. It just came out. I couldn’t help myself. So this was Jax.

Shy stranger

It took all morning before the kitten ventured down the stairs and even then he hid behind the sofa. He was obviously very shy at first. Every time I moved in to say hello, the cat waved his paw in my face and I backed off. Gradually, he came out of his hiding place and sat opposite me on the carpet. Again, I tried to play with him but it always finished the same. Me defending myself against Jax the Cat who thought nothing of flashing his paws across my little nose every time he got the chance.

Tables turned

Once he got used to me, things changed quite rapidly and he started to chase me around the room. I liked to think that he was playing but he seemed very determined to get me even though I was trying to get away. After all, I am only a puppy myself and don’t yet know how to deal with these situations.  Finally, my sister intervened and told Jax to behave himself. Surprisingly, he took notice and sauntered off into the kitchen where he proceeded to eat one of my dog treats. What a nerve!

Feline friends

Once the excitement died down a bit, my dad packed up the car and we got ready to go. I am sure I can be friends with Jax but I need to work on it a little more.  As for felines, Trixie and Bella, who are the cats from back home, are both my friends and always look out for me if I get into trouble. Well, they are older than me and very sensible.

Unfortunately, little Jax didn’t reappear to wish me goodbye but perhaps he will next time. I will keep you informed.

Poppy the Lhasa

I'm Poppy, a sassy little Lhasa Apso from England. I was born on Christmas Eve 2015. Everyone I meet says I've been to drama school! Follow my hectic little life, read my blog posts or check my social media for all my latest cute photos and videos.

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