We all know the saying ‘an apple a day, keeps the doctor away’ but does the same hold true of dogs and vets? Most fruits are packed full of key micronutrients, including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber, but is fruit safe for dogs to eat? And which fruits should be avoided?
There are certainly some types of fruit that can have huge benefits when added to a dog’s diet. But there are others that are incredibly poisonous that can make dogs incredibly unwell. Fruit shouldn’t make up the bulk of what your dog eats; no more than 10% of their daily calories should come from treats such as fruit. But when used in moderation, fruit can enrich your dog’s diet, making up for vitamin and mineral deficiencies, aiding digestion and can even help prevent some illnesses!
Fruits that dogs can eat:
Packed full of vitamins A and C which help keep skin and eyes healthy, teeth and bones strong and improves immunity against disease. They are also high in fibre which aids digestion. The core and seeds can cause stomach upset however so be sure to remove these first.
Rich in potassium, essential bone heart and muscle function, bananas also contain a multitude of other vitamins. However, they are high in sugar so should be used sparingly as a treat.
A real ‘superfruit’, blueberries are full of antioxidants which help repair cells and reduce the risks of cancer. They make a great training treat.
Containing high levels of vitamin C, oranges are great for boosting immunity as well as keeping your dogs’ skin and coat in good condition. They are high in sugar however, so use them in moderation and of course always peel the skin off first as it could be a choking hazard.
The fleshy part of a pineapple is packed full of vitamins, zinc and folate which aid digestive health. It also makes a great rehydrating snack on hot days. Be sure to chop it into small chunks before feeding and avoid the harder core.
Containing an array of micronutrients including vitamin C, E and K, iron, magnesium, copper and potassium, strawberries help prevent cancer and lower cholesterol. Some dogs may be allergic to strawberries however so feed in moderation first, monitoring for any signs such as swellings.
At over 90% water content, watermelon is perfect as a refreshing doggy snack on hot days. It is also full of vitamin A, B6 and C which help to maintain strong muscle and nerve function.
Fruits to avoid giving your dog:
Dogs have very different digestive systems to us and so fruits that we might not think twice about eating can be incredibly toxic to dogs. This is because dogs may lack essential enzymes required for digesting different parts of the fruit.
The following fruits should be avoided: Grapes, cherries, avocado, dates, figs, peaches, and plums.
If in doubt stick to the safe fruits above; give them in moderation and you’ll see massive benefits in your dog’s health!
Images by rawpixel.com
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