Little Lion Dog Lhasa Apso Beach

5 reasons why you should choose a Lhasa Apso dog

You’d be forgiven for thinking the Lhasa Apso is a cuddly lapdog with comical antics on the side. However those are not typical qualities of the Lhasa Apso. Whilst they look much like the Shih Tzu, the two breeds certainly don’t share the same personality traits.

They’re far from being the cuddly type despite their cute fluffy look. When they check themselves out in the mirror, a mighty lion is what reflects. They genuinely believe they are much bigger than they are.

Don’t be too fooled by their cuteness. Despite the small size, they carry themselves with huge confidence and regal dignity. You can always rely on a Lhasa Apso to keep it classy.

Here are the top 5 reasons why you should make your next dog a Lhasa Apso puppy.

1. Lhasa Apso dogs are brimming with confidence

Some consider this breed to be an easy option for the inexperienced dog owner. That said, despite its short stature and ‘butter wouldn’t melt’ look these dogs can be a bit of a challenge.

They are bred as watch dogs and because of this they can be quite aloof and stubborn. They also exert a loud, sharp alarming bark which makes them a great house guard.

The Lhasa Apso is certainly no pushover and will defend its territory at all costs! With their brimming confidence comes fierce loyalty to other members of the “pack”. You should prepare to be showered with lots of affection once in awhile.

2. Lhasa Apso dogs are playful but calm

The Lhasa Apso is well known for being very playful but calm and deliberate at the same time. They show qualities of a great watch dog as well as an extremely loyal companion dog, so they may display contrasting personality traits.

To people they know and trust, you can see they are extremely affectionate but as soon as a stranger is nearby they can become quickly defensive and suspicious. A well trained Lhasa Apso will be wary of unfamiliar experiences but quickly adapt once they realise there is no danger.

Their playful nature will often be highly comical and can bring a great deal of happiness to any family home.

3. Lhasa Apso dogs do not need a lot of exercise

As for living with Lhasa Apsos, you will discover that they don’t require a huge amount of exercise to keep them entertained.

You should certainly be careful not to overfeed a Lhasa Apso, as they can easily become overweight when there are too many treats combined with not enough exercise. However as they are fairly small dogs it usually takes just two to three short bursts of exercise per day to get them back in shape.

A Lhasa Apso would be a great dog for people who live in apartment blocks or flats. A few short daily walks will be all your dog will need.

4. Lhasa Apso dogs are strong-willed and intelligent

One of the most compelling reasons to choose a Lhasa Apso is their strong mind and highly intelligent nature. A Lhasa Apso’s hearing is particularly good. They are often very stubborn and will do their best to outwit you.

Admittedly, they will be fairly reluctant to obey commands initially and will instead opt to do things ‘in their own time’. This is what makes the Lhasa Apso personality so endearing. Training with a firm and patient hand always works best to ensure your pet responds.

They’re quick learners if you put in the training time in each day (no longer than 15 minutes at a time). They appreciate attention, and will let you know if they’ve had enough of being bossed about.

Positive reinforcement and the use of treats will always be better than harsh correction, because these tough guys will probably resent you for it!

5. A Lhasa Apso will be your lifelong companion 

Your Lhasa Apso will soon become your best friend and companion. They will consider it their duty to defend your family home from all possible danger.

Whether that is from birds, suspicious looking cats, or even the postman! Even though they have a short and sharp bark to alert you of their suspicions, they are generally not yappy dogs.

At least when they do make a noise you’ll know they mean business! What’s more, they’re notorious for having long lives. They can accompany you on a life journey that has the potential to last up to 20 years!

You won’t regret picking a Lhasa Apso

All these are reasons why we chose this breed and we really think you should choose it too! They are great dogs not only as a companion but also as a diligent watchdog.

We know that Poppy certainly takes her watch dog duty extremely seriously. Whatever you need a dog for – whether it is comfort or protection –  a Lhasa Apso will be a great choice.


  • We have a Lhasa apso called charlie and he’s a stubborn as anything but this is so right you can’t help but love their comical side ?

    • I have a cross with a bichion. Her name is Truffles… She is absolutely gorgeous.xxxx

    • They really are such comedians and they love the attention. But they will not be told what to do will they!

  • We have a nearly 16yr old Lhasa Apso Bitch called Chloe, xx she is my life and soul ,,, she has been a great companion all theses years, xx i dread the day when she goes to live over the Rainbow Bridge, xxx

  • My little Gucci , is the greatest little pal I have . He sticks to me like glue , I love him so very much as for being a guard dog / defender he is so WOW .

  • I had my Toby for 19 years he was a loyal loving friend and companion to me and my children it was very sad the day that he passed away…I left it for 4 years before I considered getting another dog and now I have 2 more lhasa apsos Jacob and Ollie. They’re giving me lots of fun and this is the perfect breed for us

  • I have had my willow from being a puppy I knew she was the one for me from the first time I saw her at 5 days old she’s feisty funny stubborn loyal loving of all the dogs I have had Lhasa apso are the breed I will keep to she makes me laugh so much she has so much energy I love her so much

    • I had a lovely little guy called Scruffy. He knew we couldn’t walk him very often, and loved just sitting with me. Do you think he was bred a calmer little guy?

  • My wee Lhasa Apso is called Kiwi. I got her at 3.5 yrs old, she has been with me 10mths now and I can’t think of what life was like without her. I’ve had other dogs in the past which were big dogs, brilliant as they were Kiwi ticks all the boxes I’ve always been looking for. Lhasa’s are definitely a fabulous furbabe and I would tell EVERYONE they are the perfect dog ??

  • I adopted a senior Lhasa Apso from our vet hospital where the manager asked us to take him home (his family passed away). We never knew his name, we named him Stanley because he was such a sweet old man. He was the most incredible dog, he got into my heart like no other. He was very depressed at 1st, I had to force feed him. I cooked his meals & hand fed him. Stanley became happy again after a couple weeks. I loved the bond of hand feeding him & continued this until his passing 9mo later. We knew Stanley was a senior dog & realized that he wouldn’t be with us long but he was so loved & gave so much. I like to think that his previous family was happy we brought him into our home & looked down from heaven watching him smiling. He died in my arms. Another rescue Lhasa Apso was my only choice to add to our family. We drove 5 hrs to get Vinnien he’s got a lot of puppy in him & can sometimes be a challenge with the cats, getting into things, wandering & a little bit of chewing. He’s VERY confident & definatly sees himself as a lion! 2 days after we brought home Vinnie a friend called me, her brother in law passed & his 6yo Lhasa Apso needed a new home. Now we have 2 Lhasa Apso’s. Alfonzo is very loyal, stays right with us & becomes very upset on Tuesdays when our pool man comes, our other furry children like our pool man… Alfonzo sees him as an intruder. We have a pet door & Alfonzo will not stay in the house during this intrusion of his back yard! We love our Lhasa Apso’s!

  • Jack is my lhasa apso. 11 years old and very loyal. It’s so true I can’t tell him what to do.

  • My wee Lhasa Apso is called Kiwi. I got her at 3.5 yrs old, she has been with me 10mths now and I can’t think of what life was like without her. I’ve had other dogs in the past which were big dogs, brilliant as they were Kiwi ticks all the boxes I’ve always been looking for. Lhasa’s are definitely a fabulous furbabe and I would tell EVERYONE they are the perfect dog ??

  • My little Lhasa was the result of an accident at a breeder. They had a female mutt as their family pet, who had a combination of small dogs in her, dachshund, shih-tzu, and a couple of other breeds, they think. They also had a purebred male Lhasa Apso who got amourous with their pet. We found that the runt of the litter, a female we named Pooh, was so darned cute, we couldn’t pass her up, and adopted her. Our little Pooh has been a blessing to me. She is tough, loyal, affectionate, cute as a button, and intensly territorial. I can’t imagine our lives without her. She’s been with us for over 6 years now, and no sign of aging. She’s never been sick, and is quite strong. We later bought her a companion, a Havanese/Shih-Tzu hybrid named Sam, and they were instant buddies. Sam seems a little “slow”, but has a big heart and is also very affectionate. But there’s no doubt who the alpha-dog is. Pooh rules the roost, and she knows it!

  • My LHASA LUNA is the best thing she is very cute & very funny at times but also a fantastic guard dog yes she has her own little traits & can be very stubborn but the are a lovely companions wouldn’t be without her

  • I have a 6 years old male intact Lhasa Apso and I just love it very much. I share with you all those expressions of love with my dog: Jampo. He is my heart and companion.
    I just would like and will appreciate very much your opinion with the following since you are also owners of a Lhasa Apso.
    Jampo’s vet is suggesting to have him nuke because he leaks so much that is hurting himself causing it to bleed. I am just worried that he changes so much that becomes less alert and confuse.
    Please any oponion or suggestion would be very much appreciated.

    • Hi Lia, I have some experience of this! It’s a perfectly safe procedure and it will alleviate the problems as suggested by your vet. I would follow your vets advice on this one. I’ve had a few dogs going back some years and this sort of thing is perfectly normal to be concerned about as pet owner, but it will be for the benefit of your dog in the long run. Best wishes, alice

  • Our family Lhasa Apso is the cutest, yet toughest being in the neighborhood. He weighs 15 pounds but will bark at and stand his ground against dogs weighing 85 pounds (as long as the owners hold their leashes tightly). Our Lhasa is genuinely courageous; bravery cannot be faked in time of chaos and crisis.

  • I have a Lhasa Apso . Peanut is his name and he is 12 years old. I talk to him all the time and he cocks his head and
    listens. I have had him since he was a pup. When my husband was alive he would tell Peanut to make sure to protect
    me because he could not because he was paralyzed. Peanut has been and still is my protector. He is the best dog
    I have ever had! I love him very much.

  • My wife wanted this guy. His name is Jackson and he just turned 7. I don’t know what I would do without this guy. He is very loyal to us, but more so to me. Two short walks every day, unless it’s raining. Groomed every two weeks. This guy is my boy!

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