Dr Alex Crow

Dr Alexander Crow is a RCVS licensed Veterinary Surgeon currently practicing at Buttercross Veterinary centre, a small animal accredited veterinary practice in Nottingham, United Kingdom. He earned his Bachelor of veterinary medicine degree at the Royal Veterinary College London. His special interests include neurology and soft tissue surgery and hopes to start his surgical certificate in the next year. When not working, he enjoys travelling to Europe, painting and staying fit.

Why does my dog wag its tail?

Many people associate a dog wagging their tail with a sign that they are happy, but this isn’t completely true – it’s much more...

Is chocolate bad for dogs?

While chocolate may be one of life’s guilty pleasures for humans, the same is not true for dogs. In fact, chocolate toxicity is a...

What fruit can dogs eat?

We all know the saying ‘an apple a day, keeps the doctor away’ but does the same hold true of dogs and vets? Most...

What vegetables can dogs eat?

Vegetables can play an important role in a dog’s diet, from introducing key micronutrients to keeping plaque from building up as they chew their...